Thursday 6 January 2011

Music Magazine Analysis Page 2

Music Magazine Analysis
Originally uploaded by JoshBatch2009

Music Magazine Analysis

Music Magazine Analysis
Originally uploaded by JoshBatch2009

Other Images I Used For My Front Cover and Contents Page

(Taken in E2 at East Norfolk Sixth Form College)

(Taken at Jimmy Eat World, Norwich UEA, 13/11/10)

(Taken at East Norfolk Sixth Form College)

Music Magazine Analysis

I feel like my music magazine was to the best of my abilities so I am very happy with what I have produced.
I am very happy with how my front cover came out, especially the main image as it is a controversial image that if it were used on a magazine and put on a shelf in a shop it may have to be covered over but I am putting the music genre across and getting the idea of youth rebellion and problems with authority.
I feel that if I had more time and better technology I could've produced a really good piece but for what i have done I am very happy with what I have done.
I don't think I want to change anything about my photos or layout at least anything that was in my power, the only thing that i wish was different was the weather as the snow dulled theier skin tone and the snow didn't reflect much colour.
From people I have asked that were in my target audience they said that my magazine looked very good and not sloppy. Most people liked the main image and the font because they said they understood what style of music I was portraying which was what I was trying to achieve.


The technology I used to create and produce my music magazine were:
  1. Adobe Photoshop CS5
  2. Adobe Phototshop CS4
  3. Fujifilm Finepix Digital Camera
  4. Sony Ericsson C510
I feel that if I had used more expensive therefore better quality equipment I would of been able to capture shots perfectly and that they would of been easier and more suitable for editing.

Final Product: Front Cover

Final Product: Contents Page